Summer Workouts for Every Body

Hi Beauties,

Summertime is full of outdoor workouts and travel. The sunshine is invigorating just like our Bikini & Summer Series blast-style workouts. These workouts were created using minimal or no equipment at all so they are perfect for when you're traveling or just having a busy Summer day! The blast-style of the series targets and tones your ballet muscles to get the most challenge and burn for your quick workout!

Splash into the Sneak Peek introduction to our Bikini Series!

Once you've familiarized yourself with the Bikini basics, Custom Workout Subscribers can dive right into the 10-Day Bikini Challenge under the BB Challenges feature > Year 2 of Ballet Beautiful Challenges. Build strength and stamina with high-intensity daily playlists to prepare you for the Summer heat!

Once you've completed the challenge, take a rest day or 2 before getting into the deep in with the Bikini Blast Full-Length Workout Streaming Collection. If you're not a subscriber but you own the Bikini Blast Collection, challenge yourself to complete 12 days of Bikini Blast workouts!

Day 1-3: Bikini Blast: Ultimate Mat Burn Full-Length Workout featuring 4 results-driven mat workouts to strengthen and tone!


Day 5-7: Bikini Blast: Barre Full-Length Workout featuring 5 barre burning workouts to lift and tone!


Day 9-11: Bikini Blast: Full Body Burn Full-Length Workout featuring 5 of our favorite workouts from the series, including standing cardio and mat toning.


+ all season weave in the 25-Minute Bikini Body workout targeting your core and booty!

Stay tuned for more Summer blast style workouts from the Bikini Series!

-The Ballet Beautiful Team