Hi Beauties,
We are proud to introduce Ballet Beautiful Restore, a new series of low-impact exercises and stretches.
As a dancer I have spent much of my life looking for movement that is both inspiring and healing at the same time. This often elusive combination is something that we strive to provide with Ballet Beautiful every day. While many of our foundational workouts are geared toward result and include tremendous repetitions and challenge, the last two years revealed to me a vast void of truly restorative workouts, both in Ballet Beautiful’s Streaming Library and the fitness world in general.
With the birth of our fourth child last summer I was forced to slow down my workouts and pace in general. This down time gave me the opportunity to begin creating a new series of gentle restorative workouts, for myself and others. I hope that Ballet Beautiful Restore will be a much needed resource for those seeking a low impact, low-stress training program. There are many seasons in life and we want to be there for you through the highs and the lows and help start your path to strength and better mobility after illness, injury, through the stress of everyday life, pregnancy and childbirth. Ballet Beautiful Restore is a gentle yet full body exercise program that builds foundational strength in the core, upper body and back, legs and booty. The program features a slower pace and extensive stretching that will help even the most advanced fitness enthusiast to restore and rebuild.The First three mat videos in this series focus on the core, upper body and legs. They include entry level movements as a phase I of fitness. I cannot wait for you to incorporate them in your daily life and program and hope that they will be a first step towards lasting strength and happiness. Thank you for the honor of sharing your day with us!
Mary Helen
I loved doing these workouts sooo much! They really did feel restorative. Perfect for postnatal gentle exercising. Thank you so much, dear Mary Helen. xx
Herzlichen Dank ,Liebe MaryHelen, was für eine gute Idee!!
Auch für Frauen die nicht schwanger waren, bin 62 Jahre und mache täglich Ihre Übungen!!
Herzlichen Dank, Sie sind so inspirierend !!!
Hi Beauty! You can purchase our NEW Restorative Series in our Ballet Beautiful Streaming Store! Linked for you here: https://www.balletbeautiful.com/store/streaming-videos
This is so great. I love BB. In past I had multiple repetitive injuries on my back, hip and ankle and in this moment I need slow paced alternative. Thank you Mary Helen.