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  • BB Quick Tip - How to Use a Foam Roller

    Posted August 26 2013 by Ballet Beautiful

    #BBquicktip of the week: Roll Out! After a challenging BB workout it is so important to stretch to prevent injury and keep loose. Using a foam roller is a great way to release the tightness deep in your muscles which can help increase your results!

  • Ballet Baby! 22 Weeks

    Posted August 20 2013 by Ballet Beautiful

    At 22 weeks pregnant, or five and a half months along, I’m now over half way there! It’s wild to consider that in a few short months I’ll be holding this little baby in my arms.  There is nothing in this world that I am looking forward to more! My...

  • Ballet Baby, 21 Weeks

    Posted August 13 2013 by Ballet Beautiful

    Hello Beauties! I am 21 weeks pregnant now and amazed by how big my belly is getting! The baby must be going through a growth spurt — my bump looks a little bigger to me every day!  According to the the baby is the size of a pomegranate this week. How...

  • Love that Summer Ballet Bod!

    Posted August 8 2013 by Ballet Beautiful

     iIllustration by Naarah Han Summer Beauties! Swimsuit season maybe coming to a close, but that is no reason to start forgetting about those abs. As the core of your Ballet Beautiful body, keeping your abdomen muscles strong has a huge impact on your posture, flexibility, balance and power.  It’s also...