2023 Goals

Hi Beauties,

We are feeling stronger than ever after meeting our goal for 2022 - building strength! This year we're focused on setting healthy habits and creating a peaceful balance in life.

People constantly ask me what I think the biggest roadblock to working out is.  For most people I believe that it’s an all or nothing attitude when it comes to your health. As a ballerina I used to suffer terribly from this approach. Ballet can be such a focused, perfection driven life, it’s easy to see the world as black or white.  You are ultra focused, eating super clean and healthy, dancing all day everyday, or, you aren’t. Balance along with a positive attitude are the keys to getting through those roadblocks.

Here are 5 of my favorite tips for getting past those roadblocks and paving the way to your healthy habit year!

1. Start today - When it comes to wellness it’s all too easy to put off achieving your goals. I think everyone can relate to telling ourselves: tomorrow I am working out or this is my last meal/sweet/treat before I start my diet. Don’t get caught in this trap! Give yourself more flexibility and begin today. You are worth it. 

3. Believe in yourself - You can have the body and the life that you want and deserve. Believing in yourself and your goals will help you to accomplish them. 

2. Forget about All or Nothing - The all or nothing mentality towards our health can be very destructive! This black and white thinking sets us up for failure. It’s too extreme and unrealistic. Even if this was your approach in the past it’s not too late to reboot and restart.

4. Simplify things - Sometimes life is too complicated and busy to get it all done. I like to simplify life by thinking about what is really important to me.

5. Celebrate change! - Change is the path FORWARD. Yes, it can be challenging to seek and implement change but making improvements to your health and fitness will be worth the work! Look at the positive side of the changes you seek and celebrate it.

Come along with us this year as we share new workout playlists to get you motivated, healthy recipes from the BB Kitchen, and feel-good life moments that uplift and inspire.

2023 (printable) Fitness Journal

Happy, Healthy, Beautiful New Year!


The Ballet Beautiful Team